Javonta Graham

B.S. Florida State University
Javonta Graham is an Investigator in the Housing Law Unit. He inspects units for low-income tenants and handles administrative tasks for the Housing Law Unit.
Before joining Legal Aid DC in August 2022, Javonta was an Executive Assistant at Building Back Together, where he worked on passing the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal and the Inflation Reduction Act. Before that, Javonta worked with Jane Place Neighborhood Sustainability Initiative (JPNSI) in New Orleans to create the first Renters Rights Hotline in Louisiana.
Javonta received his B.S. from Florida State University, where he was a member of the Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) and interned in the House of Representatives for AL Lawson (FL-05) and Karen Bass (CA-37). During his time in congress, Javonta witnessed the impeachment hearings firsthand and met members of congress, including Congressman John Lewis.
Javonta is originally from Fort Myers, Florida, and enjoys swimming and kayaking on his time off.